Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thankful for a Classmate

Oh c'mon, this is ridiculous. I can't pick just one person in our class of like 30 people to be thankful. Because really, I am thankful for everyone. Be it a big or a small contribution, each person's little insights make the class the way it is. But of course, I don't get to talk to everyone in the class every day, even thought I'm really thankful for everyone. I'll just say a few people who I talk to the most.
First is Paulina. She's always really happy, even though it's second period and the rest of us can barely stay awake. She helps me with the House of Seven Gables questions, and provides thoughtful responses to the questions. We're also in the same division and Chem class, which is nice. Paulina is just a genuinely nice person, and I've never heard her say a mean thing about anyone.
Next is Loren. We talk about Bike Club or the weather or whatever song we heard over the weekend, and when I tell terrible jokes, she laughs anyway. She always has some funny comment to say about the morning. She also helps me with House of the Seven Gables, and provides a new outlook on questions.
Those are just the people in my near vicinity. Remy helps to lead the discussions on the questions we work on as a group, Billy always has some cynical and hilarious comment, Monica and Alaina are always talking about something funny, Simon has his rather vocal but thought provoking contributions to class discussions and Faith has her witty remarks.
And again , everyone in the class helps to make it what it is, but that would be too long a post :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I Am A Plow [or Am I...]

A metaphor for a plow? I assume it's a metaphor because as you can see, I am not a piece of farming equipment. After much consideration, I realized a plow clears the way for other things, helps to get things done and overall, is a driving force. Ah, there we go! That's ripe for metaphorical deciphering. So without much further ado, here I go.
I don't really think I am a plow. I think the term "driving force" can really only be applied to one thing, as not that many people are driving forces for multiple things. At this point in my life, there are many things I care about, so I cannot really pick one to be a driving force for, if that makes any sense. Do I clear the way for other things, or help to get things done? Hm, how can this be metaphorically interpreted? Do I... lead, maybe, or help others to accomplish things? Yes, that sounds alright. I am a pretty bad teacher, I think, but I like to lead, or start, group discussions in class. Oh here, this sounds pretty good: I like to start things but not finish them. Plows start things, but do not finish them. For example, starting is plowing the field but finishing is planting the crops. Yay for farming metaphors! So in that respect, I guess I'm fairly plow-like.
So what have we determined? I am kind of like a plow, in the sense that I like starting and not finishing things, and that's about it. This was actually a really interesting prompt, in all seriousness. And it really made me think. Don't you love metaphors?