Sunday, December 12, 2010

*edited* Winter Poem

Holding Arctic Air

The sky is thick and gray, a heavy wool blanket
Draping the world in chills and shivers, instead of warmth
Muffling cautious boots on the sidewalk
And almost all is white and quiet

These flurries that we say are unique and beautiful
Spin down from the clouds, exotic dances around our faces
Landing gently on eyelashes, jackets, ponytails and gloves
Little pieces of kaleidoscope wonder melting on pink tongues

Snowflakes are not beautiful, they are awkward
Clumped together randomly like they are huddling for warmth and waiting for the Lincoln bus
Which arrived in a squeal of wet wheels and dirty slush
A leftover present from your faithful neighborhood snowplow man, free of charge

Oh, and when we walk our streets at night
Naked trees wearing nothing but thin frosty coats
Glaring yellow bulbs stand guard on the hard wet curb
We slip and fall on that invisible ice, shrouded beneath dirty footprints

Frigid air bites and freezes the end of our noses
Raw pink, and we inhale a rush of brisk exhilaration
There's something giddy and magical about winter nights
Holding arctic air in our numb hands, palms up, fingers outstretched and we feel so alive

Looking through fogged up windows transforms the streetlights angelic
Clean white halos against the dark night canvas
Pure beacons of warmth in a cold Windy City
Glowing through the night

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